Musician and Workshop Application

Hey you beautiful being,

Thank you for your interest in offering a workshop at LoveHerder 2025. At LoveHerder we have a strong focus on encouraging people to to learn, connect, love and to be authentically themselves.

As you can imagine, after our previous events we have had an influx of applications from musicians, facilitators and speakers, and we are keen to offer something a bit different, so please tell us what you can offer in the application form below.

If you are are offering and sharing techniques, please ensure that you have the knowledge and suitable public liability insurance in place. At LoveHerder we cannot accept any responsibility for what happens in your workshop.

We will cover the camping and full festival fee for the main workshop facilitator, any co-facilitators will need to pay a nominal fee of £99, if you have any questions regarding this please contact Debs, HERE(*If you are part of a band we will cover the full camping and festival fee for each band member if your application is successful)

If your offering is accepted, we will also require a brief summary about you and your background, and picture in jpeg format for use on the website / promotional material / timetable.

(Details will be used on the website / promotional material / timetable)

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